Pennsylvania Land Recycling (Act 2) and Storage Tank Cleanup (Act 32) Programs Compliance
Chapman has successfully helped clients remediate contaminated properties for more than three decades, completing numerous voluntary Act 2 brownfields projects and Act 32 regulated storage tank cleanup projects for facility owners/operators, property developers/purchasers, and municipalities. These projects have involved releases of hazardous substances resulting in soil or groundwater contamination from, for example, past and present operation of storage tanks, dry cleaning businesses, chemical storage areas, improper facility handling practices, accidental spills, historical application of pesticides, and more, occurring at residential, commercial, retail, recreational, institutional, industrial, and agricultural properties.
Chapman has the expertise and range of experience to assist clients in obtaining a Release of Liability from PADEP for contaminated sites, which can facilitate property transactions and financing, effective property reuse, and internal operational practices needs in conjunction with environmental due diligence. Liability relief extends to property owners, future developers or purchasers, and others who participate in the remediation.
Our services for Act 2 and Act 32 projects include:
Complete and cost-effective design and implementation of Site Characterization and Remedial Investigations for soil and/or groundwater impacts, with subsurface investigation work, monitoring well installation, and soil and groundwater sampling completed in-house using appropriately qualified and licensed professionals and technical staff.
Vapor intrusion screening, where required, based on site characterization results, and as necessary, soil gas and indoor air sampling.
Development of Act 2 Remediation Standards attainment strategies in conjunction with practical and flexible approaches to cleanup design and implementation, which in many situations can be limited to a demonstration that contaminant exposure pathways have been identified and eliminated through establishing institutional or engineering controls (e.g., environmental covenants, soil caps and groundwater usage limitations).
Completion of required ancillary evaluations/assessments addressing factors such as contaminant fate and transport, ecological and human health risk, and potential surface water impacts.
Assuring compliance with Pennsylvania’s clean fill policy when importing soils for remediation purposes.
Post-Remediation Care Plan preparation and implementation when needed, associated with established institutional and engineering controls to assure successful and approvable remediation.
Timely preparation of required administrative and technical submittals, such as Notice of Intent to Remediate, Site Characterization/Remedial Investigation Reports, Remedial Action/Cleanup Plans, and Remedial Action Completion/Final Reports under the respective programs.