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Expertise in Wastewater Compliance and Permitting

As an enhancement to our wastewater Operation and Maintenance services, Chapman can provide your facility with assistance to help you achieve and remain in compliance with Local, State and Federal Regulations. In addition to providing licensed operators for your site, Chapman, Inc. can provide you with compliance assistance associated with NJDEP NJPDES Permitting, Industrial User Permitting Programs and Local POTW Regulations.

Chapman, Inc. will coordinate with NJDEP certified laboratories to complete permit required sampling and analysis, and review laboratory results for compliance with regulatory limits. In addition, our staff can assist your facility with the completion and submission of NJDEP Monitoring Report Forms or local POTW monitoring reports. Our employees have extensive experience corresponding with NJDEP permit managers and enforcement, and can serve as the liaison between regulatory agencies and your facility.

Industries We Serve

Solid Waste

Leachate collection, on-site remediation, wastewater discharge, flares, and methane collection systems are all currently being maintained, monitored and operated by Chapman’s talented field personnel. [...] Read more

Public and Private Utilities

Our local and regional utilities serve as critical infrastructure ensuring clean water is provided to our user base and clean water is discharged to our most sensitive environmental areas. [...] Read more


Schools located outside of traditional sewer service areas often must maintain smaller on-site treatment, collection and disposal wastewater systems and more. [...] Read more