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Environmental and Operation Services

Solid Waste facilities, both closed and active routinely employ Leachate control systems to mitigate the potential contamination of surface water and ground water. Many inactive sites or closing “cells” are then capped to control gas emissions, preventing direct contact with contaminated materials, and reducing leachate generation. Chapman offers skilled technicians who can operate these sites and implement the collection of SOPs and O&M procedures needed for the successful operation of the site.

Chapman offers customized solutions to our client base who operate the following:

  • Active & passive Gas Management system,
  • Flare Operation & Testing,
  • Leachate Collection systems,
  • Leachate Treatment Systems

Industries We Serve

Commercial and Industrial

From environmental regulatory compliance services to on-site operations and maintenance, Chapman can customize our delivered scope of services to our client’s needs. [...] Read more


Schools located outside of traditional sewer service areas often must maintain smaller on-site treatment, collection and disposal wastewater systems and more. [...] Read more

Public and Private Utilities

Our local and regional utilities serve as critical infrastructure ensuring clean water is provided to our user base and clean water is discharged to our most sensitive environmental areas. [...] Read more