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Loss Prevention and Loss Control Services

Chapman provides environmental Loss Prevention and Loss Control services to help protect your operations and your assets from potential environmental exposures. Chapman has the experience to create, develop and implement a risk assessment program to identify environmental liabilities for all in-house assets so that small issues do not become large issues.

Chapman also provides emergency spill response compliance services. We can represent your interests when dealing with the direct aftermath of an environmental incident. Accidental releases of chemicals and petroleum products are an unfortunate occurrence in our industry.

Many State Regulatory Authorities have mandatory notification requirements regardless of how small your spill was if it has impacted a sensitive environmental area. Chapman can help navigate the notification, cleanup and compliance response procedures following these spill events.

Industries We Serve

Commercial and Industrial

From environmental regulatory compliance services to on-site operations and maintenance, Chapman can customize our delivered scope of services to our client’s needs. [...] Read more

State and Federal Agencies

For over 30 years, Chapman has helped Operate and Maintain active environmental sites currently managed or under the Stewardship of our state and federal Regulatory Authorities. [...] Read more


Schools located outside of traditional sewer service areas often must maintain smaller on-site treatment, collection and disposal wastewater systems and more. [...] Read more