Does your facility have any one of the following?
- Primarily house people 65 and older (i.e. retirement facility or assisted-living)?
- Have Multi-housing units (i.e hotel or apartment complex) with a centralized hot water system?
- Have 10 or more stories?
OR, are you a Healthcare Facility…
- Where patients can stay overnight?
- Treat people who have chronic or acute medical conditions?
- House people with weakened immune systems?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you should prepare a Water Management Program for your facility according to ASHRAE 188-2018.
The CDC estimates that each year there are between 8,000 and 18,000 cases of Legionellosis in the United States and that more than 10% of these cases are fatal.
Does your facility have…
- Cooling Towers? Hot Tubs? Decorative Fountains? Central Humidifiers? If you have any of this equipment, you should prepare an equipment-specific Water Management Plan
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) partnering with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recently updated Standard 188-2018, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems.
ASHRAE Standard 188 establishes minimum legionellosis risk management requirements for building water systems. Legionella can also cause a
less-severe influenza-like illness known as “Pontiac fever.” Most outbreak cases of legionellosis are the result of exposure to Legionella associated with building water systems.
Chapman will audit your site, collect all relevant water quality information, prepare equipment inventories and detail existing standard operating procedures. We will diagram your hot and cold-water pathways, helping identify areas at higher risk of legionella breakout.
Chapman will prepare an ASHRAE/ANSI compliant Water Management Program which can often utilize many of your existing cleaning, sanitation, and maintenance procedures already in use at your site.