In January 2018, the NJDEP Tier A Municipal Stormwater Permit became effective. This permit included some of the most significant updates to the stormwater program since 2009.
Your Stormwater Program must include:
- Revised Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP)
- Posted SPPP, Stormwater Management Plan and associated ordinances on your town’s website
- Inventory of Stormwater Facilities (including GPS Coordinates)
- Revised Local Public Education, including more events to obtain additional points
- Inspection of public works maintenance yards and revised source material inventories
- Submission of existing outfall pipe map to NJDEP
- Electronic submission (GPS Coordinates) of outfalls to NJDEP by December 21, 2020.
NJDEP’s Municipal Stormwater Permits impact nearly every borough, municipality, highway agency and public complex in New Jersey. This program specifically targets municipal operations and aims to improve the quality of stormwater via a unique permit administered under New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NJPDES” permit).
The effective date of the most recent revisions to the Tier A Stormwater Permit was January 1, 2018. Several deadlines including plan updates, employee training, facility inventories and inspections have already passed. It is important to ensure that those requirements are currently being implemented. An upcoming deadline to consider in your planning, due by December 21, 2020, is the electronic mapping of your municipal outfalls.
Chapman offers a variety of water focused compliance services to our customers. We can provide a complete review and full update of your existing SPPP, in addition to assisting your municipality with completion of the mapping requirements ahead of the upcoming deadline. We can update your training program and ensure all source material audits for your maintenance and recycling yards are current. Chapman will also update your existing outfall map utilizing DEP approved mobile mapping sources which meet the minimum standard of the Tier A NJDPES permit.